Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday June 6, with much Thanks and Respect for "The Greatest Generation" and D-Day

My oh my, dear Family and Friends,
Time passes so quickly and the events of life roll right along.  
72 years ago thousands of young men stormed ashore at Normandy to free "fortress Europe" from the hands of a hateful and vile evil.  Hundreds of young men died on the beach, many who had not seen their 20th birthday.
Today, we have thousands and thousands of young men who have no direction, goal, morals, or standards and are afraid of writings on a sidewalk.  What a difference, what a degradation.

But, I digress.  
Today Miss Adriana was driven all over Yellowstone, up and over high mountains (8853 feet!) with snow still covering them.  We descended into the cauldron and the geyser basins to view the spewing and spitting and steaming vents fueled by the massive volcano that is Yellowstone.  Under the valley, some 10 to 20 miles below, there lies a giant waiting to erupt.  The last time was over 460,000 years ago.  And, the experts say it will be a long time before the next one.  I hope so, cuz if you saw the movie 2012, when she blows, the world ends as we know it.

We had a nice breakfast to order, then drove to Livingston Montana to pick up highway 89 south into Yellowstone.  This route is much easier to drive and the speed limit is 70!  That's right, a country road with a limit of 70... gotta love Montana!  Remember not too long ago where Montana did NOT have a speed limit on the Interstates?  The Feds didn't like it, so now it's 80!  But many go way more than that!  

We arrived in Gardiner MT, and the original portal that President Teddy Roosevelt opened way back 100 years ago!  This is the centennial year for Yellowstone and the National Park Service.  Happy Birthday!
We first stopped at the Mammoth Hot Springs.  And they are indeed Mammoth!  Still flowing, still growing.
Then up the mountains to the Tower Falls, then the Upper and Lower Falls, and a wrap up with the geysers.  
Then back to Bozeman for some sushi at Wasabi restaurant.  And now we're getting ready for a good night's rest.
Tomorrow is a nice ride over to Spearfish South Dakota, so that on Wednesday we can go to Mount Rushmore and pay our respects to the Presidents - Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Lincoln.  Should be some kind of wonderful.

I'm still waiting for the dang wifi to load up the pictures so I can show you our day.  But that's going to have to wait for an update tomorrow morning because this old scribe is feeling a bit punky, must a been all the altitude and temperature changes.

See you tomorrow, with pictures!
Love and Prayers for your health, happiness, and wholeness!

"Driving Miss Adriana" = DMA!

Sunset Sunday June 5, which goes on and on, this far north it was still light after 2200!

Great colors,

On the way to Yellowstone, these guardians stand by each side of the road,

Up and down, with lots of hills and rock and roll,

More snow!

A nice farm along the way,

Getting closer to the snow,


Real close now,

town of Gardiner Montana, the welcome stop before the park,

Lots and lots of tourist amenities,

The official NPS store,

The beautiful and the gate too,

You know where you are now,

On the way to see the wonders,

Mammoth, that is BIG,

Ok, it's called the Liberty Cap, OK?

More beauty, and the hot springs aint too shabby either,

Big, hot, and still growing, 

Doesn't do justice to the real things,

There's several miles of walks around these springs,

And, it was getting hot,


More mountains and hills,

That's Tower Falls, look closely,

You can see it better now, 


High Rockies Plateau,

More snow, real close now, above 8,000 feet!

Lot's of that stuff lying around,

That's call packed snowed,

Yellowstone Lower Falls, 

The Yellowstone "Grand Canyon" is most impressive, cuz it's right there, in your face,

More beauty than one man can handle!

How about that?

True Beauty for sure!

The Lower Falls of Yellowstone,

And the Grand Canyon walls, looks like a dirt bank here in the picture, 
but in actuality, there's a mile gap between the stone wall and those big walls on the other side.

Maybe this gives a little more perspective?

No, that's not my Lady blowing steam!  Another small geyser,

Lots of geothermal action here,
Miss Adriana showing the effects of a long day,

But as always, she is a trooper and a great lady!

OK, more pictures to come,
love and Prayers,

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