Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday June 10

We are safely HOME!
Arrived in Sarasota at 2245, at the door at 2255 EST, Friday June 10, 2016.

Thus ends the wonderful adventures while "Driving Miss Adriana"!!

I'll recap tomorrow, just wanted you to know we arrived home safely after driving 1425 miles in two days!  Today was a 12 hours of driving, 14 hours total dedicated commitment to getting home!  Talk about "get-home-itis"!!!

Nashville skyline,

Nashville has some big skyscrapers,

Some of the Appalachian Mountains in Georgia,

After the Rockies, these were, hmmmm

Atlanta here we come,

Yep, GPS took us right through Atlanta, but it wasn't too bad, 

So many choices!

Big City!

The approach in and the exit were the problems with all the new road construction,

Back home again!  Just 5 more hours to Home!

She is Beauty, Strength, Guts, Courage, Determination, Patience, and Love!


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