Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday May 31

Hello again Family and Friends,
Good bye May, Hello to June tomorrow... June!  Summer!  Cool?  No, it's hot, humid, horrible weather in Texas and the Plains, ahh, summer to remember!

We are at the Half Way point, Seattle/Whidbey Island anchor stop.  We left Portland this morning, stopped by the unbelievably beautiful Multnomah Falls and then onward to Seattle area.  

It's very, very green and springy here in Oregon!

The side road next to I84 that leads to...

One of the sister falls, there are 8 total along this "Falls Trail" along the Columbia River...

You know who!

This is the first sight you see when you look up from the Multnomah Falls sign...

Isn't she just the most beautiful?  And, Multnomah Falls isn't too shabby either!

Impressive and Awesome would be appropriate here...

Yep, my Sweetheart truly makes this picture memorable...

Can you believe that there is such beauty?

Sure is, right there...

doesn't get any better than this...

After a good visit at the falls, we headed to...


Seattle is a BIG city!

And the number 1 spot to visit in Seattle is...
Pike Public Market... America's oldest Farmer's Market...

Lots and lots of fish markets,

And flowers in her hair, everywhere... and more....

We stopped at the Pike Place Chowder store
And tried the chowder samplers... so good!

all kinds of goods and foods...

Even ice creams and candies...

Many flavors and ethnic dishes


Right on Puget Sound and that's the Olympic Peninsula across the water...

In front of Starbucks store NUMBER 1, here's where it all started in 1971...

Starbucks for sure...

It was another adventure and traffic filled day.  The traffic around Seattle is akin to or worse than anything I've seen in New York, DC, even Houston!!!  But, with God's protection and guidance we arrived back safely at our hotel on Fort Lewis.  
Tomorrow we head for the Olympic Peninsula and try to hit the Most North Western point in the continental United States, outside of Alaska, cuz that would be somewhere close to Russian space on the Aleutian Islands... so, in the lower 48 states... it's Neah Bay, but it's on an Indian reservation, so we are hoping we can still get there.  
Tune in tomorrow to see how we did... anyways, after Neah Bay we'll plan to take the ferry from Port Townsend over to Coupeville on Whidbey Island.  There we'll slow things down for three days and explore the area in detail...
Looking forward to sharing it all with you.
God bless you and keep you in His Loving Grace!

Memorial Day, update 2

Here are a few more pictures of a very, very long day's drive:

Mount Shasta is a beautiful lady, shining bright in Northern California!  

Blues skies smiling at us!

The busy and hilly roads of Northern Cali and Oregon

The exit to Grant's Pass...

This is Issac and his Mom and Dad.  You could not meet a sweeter, more angelic young man in the whole world.  The spirit of God and His Love is in Isaac's heart.  He readily says hello, shook our hands, smiled and talked to us.  His Mom and Dad waited 16 years to be blessed by such a Beautiful Boy who brings the Love of God into the world.  May Isaac always be blessed and be a blessing.

My sweet Angel here setting up for some pictures at our table inside Heaven on Earth restaurant...

My Sweetest outside a sweet place, the name says it all... makes you want to live here for awhile!

Well, here we are just outside Portland and ready to take the Oregon City exit to our motel.

My sweet Angel is one tired Lady at the end of a long, long 10 hour drive day.
We both had a nice halibut steak dinner at McGrath's Fish Restaurant. 
The food was good and the venue was appropriate...
Hopefully the dinner and a good night's rest will recharge my Sweetheart for a more relaxing and slower day Tuesday.

Multnomah Falls and Seattle awaits us... adventures await...
See you tomorrow, 
God bless you and guide you, protect you and shield you from all harm.
May His Love and Grace fill you and your souls.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day, May 30

Honors and Respect to all our fallen Heroes and Heroines!  
Memorial Day 2016 was a day for remembrance and travel.

We left Beale AFB early in the morning.  It is a long trek back to I5.  The trip is NOT recommended for many reasons.  The savings in cost is nearly off set by the travel time and aggravation.  Once was enough for the experience and to say we were at Beale!  The Recce's can have it!  

So, we got on to I5 north to Portland, OR for our next night's rest, a mere 580 miles, and 9+ hours away... phew! 
Thankfully it was all well paved and set up Interstate, no more tight winding, dangerous and slow mountain roads.
The road climbs up and then descends down many mountain ranges.  It keeps the drive from being boring.  And the views are very spectacular.

This is Mount Shasta...

You can see the speed limit is 70 in California... helps pass the miles.
Mount Shasta calls... 

The California reservoirs are nearly full, all the ones we could see.  
California is still in a drought, but at least they have water for this year.

More reservoirs...

A steep mountain pass, one of many!

We passed millions and millions of pine trees...

More mountain passes and trees!

So, we got to Portland OR... but after we crossed into Oregon, just pass Grant Hills, there is a wonderful, spectacular place that you need to visit... "Heaven on Earth" bakery and restaurant...
It's a bakery and a delicious food restaurant opened over 46 years ago and still run by Kristine.  It was a true SPIRITUAL experience.  She is a devout and true Christian, thus the name of the restaurant.  The food is absolutely delicious, the baked goods are all home made and out of this world.  If you ever get in the area make sure you stop by.  See http://www.oregonlive.com/travel/index.ssf/2013/05/heaven_on_earth_restaurant_and.html
You will not be disappointed for sure. And, you will leave feeling totally blessed.

Mount Shasta!!!

We stopped in Shasta City and said hi to Mount Shasta.  This is closest you can get to one of the big mountains while driving along I5 without going up some winding trails.

Tomorrow we go on to Ft Lewis Washington and Seattle!  We are looking forward to "Starbucks City"!!! Pike