Sunday, September 9, 2018

We have arrived!

We have arrived safely in Japan, specifically in Tokyo, Japan.  We are staying at the New Sanno Armed Forces MWR/R&R hotel in the heart of Tokyo!  

We got up early Saturday morning, full of excitement and anticipation.  Went through the house close down checklist and waited just a few minutes for our transportation to the SRQ  airport.  We were early, so check in was quick with no problems.  Helps to have made all the reservations and seat selections early!
We got to Atlanta early enough to make an easy connecting flight.  ATL is HUGE and has an underground tramway to take you to the various wings.  We didn't have a too long of a wait and boarded in the second group since we had upgraded our seats.  
Adriana got the window seat and we settled in for a long, long flight.  ATL to NRT (Narita) is over 13 hours!  NON-STOP!  Think about the technology and advancements we have in order for an airplane full of people, luggage, cargo, fuel, and more to travel nearly 12,000 miles to the other side of the world!  WOW!!!

Here we are flying into NRT during the approach... nothing unusual, missed a picture of Tokyo Bay because of clouds as we were descending.  Nothing unusual, nothing out of the ordinary... that's the whole point, that most peoples over the world live similar lives with similar goals under different conditions and circumstances and situations.  But, we are one race, the human race!

Adriana waiting at the Immigration line... lots of people processed very quickly... most impressive!

Adriana in the main terminal where we were met by the tour guides for our tour package "Discover Seoul"...

The Narita terminal is very large, spacious and well organized... thousands pass through there every day!

Boarding the tour bus to go to the New Sanno, which was about an hour from Narita... our Japanese tour guide Miss Yurika in in the red top and our Korean guide Miss Sophie is on the right in the striped top.  You know who that is in the pretty blue!

Here is a view from the bus... see anything different?  Yes, the Japanese drive on the LEFT side of the road and walk to the left in most situations... something different to get used to...

 Here is an overpass in the Roppongi district, another famous entertainment, and shopping district.

Getting close now as we approach downtown Tokyo.

This is the Tokyo Sky Tower, the second tallest tower in the world.  We will be visiting it this week.

This is the intersection near the New Sanno Hotel.  Thought I'd take a picture in case we get "lost" and need to ask directions.

Here we are, at the New Sanno, waiting to check in and get settled for the night.  We had a nice sirloin beef dinner and after a little cleanup, it was early to bed for us "young" folks... tomorrow is the Meiji Shrine tour and downtown Tokyo.  Should be wonderful.

Here is a sample of the UBIQUITOUS vending machines, nearly every corner, with nearly anything to eat and drink... what an incredible society that can not trash and ruin these machines.  Speaks a lot about the culture and the societal norms of Japan.  

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