Monday, July 10, 2017

July 2017 - Travels to St John's Newfoundland

What about this wonder full view?

This is the view from the Ferryland Lighthouse at Avalon Bay, Newfoundland. 
Larissa, Stephen, and Marina took us to "Picnic at the Lighthouse" and a day of wonder on an absolutely gorgeous, windy, whale full day!
We say hundreds of birds who were nesting on that island the in the middle, then all around the surrounding bay, there were so many whales spouting their exhalations.  There was even one last iceberg floating south!  

It's an amazing and lovely place.  Avalon Bay is where Lord Baltimore first set up his American colony, but the harsh winters drove them further south, to Maryland eventually.
The whole of St. John's is nice, neat, clean, friendly place.  Everyone seems so cordial and friendly, even the little ones are open and give happy smiles.
We left Sarasota and drove to Orlando since WestJet, a Canadian airline has a direct flight from Orlando to St. John's.
Orlando airport was disappointing in many ways for such a major international airport.  The visionaries of Disney and city planners did not seem to have consulted!  The amenities are weak, the signage is very poor, there was no sign for long term parking!  The transit from parking to the terminal was very disappointing for a major airport.
Well, we were delayed an hour in departure due to a heavy thunderstorm.  We eventually boarded and it took a bit less time due to the westerly winds to get to St. John's.  We arrived around 10:45 p.m local, customs and immigration were quick with a good check of our passports.  We only had carry on so we didn't have to wait for any luggage.  We were met by the three beautiful young 'uns!
We arrived at their wonderful home in about 25 minutes.
After quick hellos, we went to bed and Sunday was all about the Freeland Lighthouse and the delicious picnic, sightseeing, and relaxing.

Today, Monday, July 10 we to go on a tour boat and go see PUFFINS!  That should be wonderful!
After a nice breakfast, we went for a walk up the trail that is near their house.  It leads to a lookout point from WW II, where the Canadian Army had lookouts posted for enemy submarines and ships.
The trail is well kept and the 2 km walk was nice in just perfect weather.
This same trail is used during winter for snowshoe walking.

Looking forward to a most thrilling day of meeting the famous PUFFINS!

More to follow soon!

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