Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Baly Haly, The Market, and the St John's harbor

Tuesday, July 11 was just a perfect day!  A nice easy morning, an afternoon of golf, and a dinner at one of St John's better restaurants followed by a short walk along the harbor.  The temperature was perfect 23 C, there was a light breeze, and the day was one from dream land.

This is the view from the small hill to the east of Larissa's house.  If you continue up the hill and over a slight bluff, there is the Atlantic Ocean in all of her glory!

The views are totally spectacular and mesmerizing.  Of course, there is always the downside.  The top of the ridge can get hit with winds over 100 mph during the winter storms so those homes will need to be hurricane proof!

Larissa arranged for me to play at the Baly Haly Golf course in the afternoon.  It was a perfect day for golf.  I did not play that well because - I was using Stephen's beginner set of clubs, which probably cost less than a $150.00.  The metal woods were distinctly basic, the irons were clunky and very poorly balanced, the course is one obstacle course of hills, trees, and more.  It may be the easternmost golf course in North America!  It certainly is for me, as well as the most northern most course I've played on. Despite my score, I did truly enjoy the company of Ken, a native who joined me and guided me around the course and the other fine people of the course.

Adriana with some delicious smelling lilacs in front of the golf clubhouse.

A view of the hills around the course.  Baly Haly is one of the oldest in North America, over 100 years active in St John's!  It's an old design, but very challenging if you are not used to uneven lies and hills!  It certainly was for me!

After golf, Larissa picked me up, we went home, I cleaned up and we all went out to dinner in downtown St John's at the Market restaurant.  It is a high level but casual place.  Adriana and I had the Newfoundland cod dish which was just perfection.  It was a very enjoyable dinner.  Marina had her many sweet drinks and desserts!  

The MOOSE over the entrance of the Market restaurant!

After dinner, we went for a short walk along the harbor which was lined with fishing boats and working boats.  I do remember from my Navy days that no matter how big the ship may be along the pier, it is but a dot once it is on the ocean!  May God protect the sailors at sea!

It got chilly very quickly, so we came home early and I was tired out.  I think, heck, I know that I am getting old!  Bedtime now is around 10 anymore!  So, dreamland and then another day of adventures and visiting!

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