Thursday, August 12, 2021

Sunny Florida

 Sarasota, Florida

It's August and it's HOT, HOT, HOT... Whether it's climate changes, weird weather patterns, once-in-a-century events, or whatever, it is intolerably hot with heat factor, feel like temperatures over 100 degrees day after day.  And, being on a huge peninsula between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, we get the sea breeze battles nearly every day which brings torrential thunderstorms almost every single afternoon in August.  So, HOT AND HUMID.  Thank you, Mr. Carrier, for inventing Air Conditioning and making life liveable in Florida!

The COVID Pandemic has truly changed and altered lifestyles.  Millions of infections, hundreds of thousands dead, more than in all the wars, and we are still not done yet.  A new variant is bringing a new wave of deadly infections and deaths.  And millions refuse to get the vaccine that billions in other places are literally dying to get and wish they had.  What a crazy, ironic, and stupid situation.  
The western states are burning up in uncontrolled wildfires, the midwest is going through waves of heat, flooding, and severe weather.  The south is boiling and facing threats of tropical storms and hurricanes.  The northeast is coming under a heat dome and will see record high temps.  What a crazy summer.  And, the coming winter is promising to be brutal in so many ways.  
Weather is truly the primary determinant of human activities and behaviors.  And it seems to be out of control.
"Experts" claim that we are at the "tipping point" where we can either take drastic actions and prevent a climate disaster or rush on into new climates and new worlds with drastic changes in ocean currents, ice caps in the north and south, totally out of control heat and cold, massive changes in farming and arable lands which control food production... we are committing global suicide and no one is willing to stop the slide into a dystopian disaster.  Profits over people.  Yes, the lucky and privileged few will survive.  All life will adapt, as it always has.  New life forms, new lands, new uses, new systems... but life as we know it is under dire and direct threat.  We have been warned.  

In all of this, my Sweetheart and I are going to venture forth on a short vacation to explore the Northeast and New England, primarily Maine and Vermont.  We are going to Portland, Maine and then Bar Harbor, Maine near Acadia National Park.  Then onto Burlington, Vermont, then home down the Hudson Valley with stops at West Point, Annapolis, and Charlottesville where we will visit with Yoona and Yungi and Teemo.

Come along for our adventure.  

This is the cozy garden entrance to our home.
From here, we venture forth and explore new places.  

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